Eyal Amiel

Eyal is a poet, songwriter, biologist, teacher, seeker on the mystical path, and devotee of the natural world. The central expressions and ideals of his spirituality are the cultivation of peace, within and without, creative expression as acts of holy devotion, and honoring and working with the cycles of nature as primary teachers for inner growth and transformation.

He has completed his third year of Druid training as a student in the Green Mountain Druid School, where he has been initiated into the sacred practices of the Neo Druid tradition according to the vision and teachings of Ivan McBeth and Fearn Lickfield of the Green Mountain Druid Order. He is honored to walk this journey with you in this pivotal time of the Earth’s evolution.

Upcoming Programs by Eyal Amiel

The Stone Circle: Samhain - 100 Hour Fire

October 31 - November 1, 2024

Samhain is often seen as the “end of the year” in the Pagan calendar. A time when the bridge between the physical and spirit dimensions of this world is felt to be the most “open”, it is a celebration of connection and honoring of our beloved ancestors. This is a potent time for ancestral honoring […]

The Stone Circle: Winter Solstice Ceremony

December 21 - 22, 2024

Winter Solstice marks the spiritual return to the darkness of the spiritual womb. It is a time of inward reflection, incubation in the fertile possibilities of what lies within, a gestation of the dreams, hopes, and intentions of what we wish to sow and grow in the year ahead. It is in the darkness that […]