The Stone Circle: Summer Solstice Sunrise Ceremony

With Eyal Amiel

June 23 - 24, 2024

Date and Time Details: 5am – 9am

  • No Lodging Needed (Suggested donation of $35) – $0.00
  • Big House - Sunrise Suite (Dorm) – $50.00
  • Big House - Sunset Suite (Private) – $150.00
  • Oasis Cabin (Private) – $200.00
  • Big House - Couch Surf – $50.00
  • Campsites – $25.00

You are invited to join us for a Sunrise Ceremony at Rootstock, greeting the rising Sun on the day of longest light. At Summer Solstice, we honor the culmination of Earth’s orbital approach towards the Sun. We celebrate the gifts of light, power, maturity, and self – it is a time of great power. In this ceremony we will celebrate the Light, within and outside of us, and contemplate how we may continue to serve the Earth and our communities.

More About The Stone Circle:

For many thousands of years, humans from land-honoring spiritual traditions have aligned their sacred ceremonies with the natural seasons and cycles of the Earth, the “Wheel of the Year” according to modern Pagan traditions. In many of these traditions, sacred sites of “standing stones”, Stone Circles, such as Stonehenge in the United Kingdom, mark sacred locations and the potent Earth energies therein to hold space for sacred ceremonial work.

In this series of offerings, in partnership with the Rootstock community, Eyal invites you to join in the creation and cultivation of a living human “Stone Circle”, which we will energetically and spiritually hold in our ceremonial gatherings during the important seasonal transitions of the Wheel during 2024. Inspired by the spiritual practices and teachings of the modern Druid tradition, we will come together in ceremony across the seasons, to honor and celebrate the natural rhythms of the Earth, and invite the ebbs and flows of the natural world to speak to our Spirit, and guide and hold us in our own inward growth and evolution.

About the Leader

Eyal Amiel

Eyal is a poet, songwriter, biologist, teacher, seeker on the mystical path, and devotee of the natural world. The central expressions and ideals of his spirituality are the cultivation of peace, within and without, creative expression as acts of holy devotion, and honoring and working with the cycles of nature as primary teachers for inner […]

Learn more about Eyal Amiel

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