Small Group Medicine Retreat

With Beana Bern

October 24 - 26, 2024

Location: Rootstock Retreat

Address: 1429 Beach Hill Road, Glover, Vermont 05875, USA

Arrival Time: 4:30-5:30pm. Late arrivals may not be permitted to journey so, please, be sure to arrive on time.

Departure time: 11:00am

  • Sunrise Suite (Dorm) – $1,500.00
  • Sunset Suite (Private Room) – $1,800.00
  • Oasis Cabin (Private Cabin) – $2,000.00
  • Campsites – $1,550.00
Program is fully booked
Program is fully booked

 A medicine retreat at Rootstock can change the trajectory of your life and that of all of your descendants. If you’re serious about reclaiming your sovereignty, your truth, your authenticity and your power, this potent healing modality could be for you.

This deep work is for people serious about healing themselves, their lineage, and their relationship to the Earth and all beings.  Medicine work at Rootstock is not recreational.

The healing that happens in this sacred container can be intense, unexpected, challenging, ecstatic, beautiful, uncomfortable, confusing and, if you’re committed to integrating your experience, it can be life changing. Together, we’ll co-create a sacred container filled with deep presence, plant medicine, sacred land, sound, elemental healing, medicinal food, and intention. Together we’ll look carefully into our hearts and minds and welcome with radical honesty the truth that dwells there.

Private Retreats can be reserved for an individual, a couple, or a small group of up to 4 people.  All registrants are required to do at least one, 1 hour preparation session no less than one month before arrival.

Retreats require 36 hours to allow for ample time for grounding, preparation, journey space, and integration prior to departure and guests are expected to stay on site for the full duration of the experience.  These retreats are all-inclusive and come with the deep, loving presence of an experienced and intuitive guide (Beana Bern), cozy off-grid accommodations, high vibrational organic food, mushroom medicine for ceremony, medicinal music, and lots of other alchemical details. Participants are encouraged to unplug from technology for the duration of their stay and, when possible, to take 2-3 days of rest prior to diving back into work and life.

A Private Medicine Retreat includes:

  • 2 Nights Rustic Accommodations at Rootstock
  • 4 Organic, home-cooked meals
  • 1 – 90min Preparation Session
  • 1 – 8 hour Guided Medicine Journey
  • 1 – 2 hour Wood-fired Hot Tub session
  • 1 – 90min Integration Session
  • 1 – Custom-for-you curated Spotify playlist

Guests can upgrade accommodations, add on an extra night after the retreat, or add on extra access to The Oasis.

Integrating the experience is the most important part of the work and happens when guests leave Rootstock.

The two weeks following the retreat is when you’re most sensitive  and able to re-wire old patterns in your brain and so it’s optimal for guests to be prepared for disciplined and conscious effort spent integrating when they depart.  Integration might look like journaling, vulnerable conversations, new activities, creative endeavors or a wide range of other activities that are unique to you and your journey.  Folks wanting some support can book an Integration Retreat and stay another couple days on the land at Rootstock or book ad hoc sessions over Zoom.

Sample Schedule

Day 1

  • 4:30 – 5:30pm – Arrival & nesting
  • 6:00pm – Introductions & Grounding
  • 6:30-8:30pm – Preparation Session and Q&A

Day 2

  • 8:00-9:00am – Hearty Breakfast & Morning Preparation
  • 9:00am -11:30am Free Time for Journaling, Meditation, Intention Setting.
  • 11:30am-6:30pm – Guided Journey Work
  • 6:30pm-8:00pm – Simple Supper & Elemental Healing in wood-fired hot tub
  • 8:00pm – Rest, journal, & sleep

Day 3

  • 8:00am-10:00am – Breakfast & Integration Session
  • 10:00-10:30am – Free time to pack up and prepare for departure
  • 10:30am-11:00am – Closing Ceremony

The Medicine

Medicine Journey’s at Rootstock are all unique reflections of the people that participate in them, the quality of the light on the journey day, the bird songs, blooming flowers, music, and food. ALCHEMY is what makes these experiences transformational and the vulnerability and openness of the guests that attend. Though we will work with many varieties of plant, mineral, music, food and elemental medicine throughout this experience, mushroom medicine will guide your journey work.

This medicine is very safe and only contraindicated with SSRI’s so folks currently on these medications that wish to participate will need to work with their therapist directly to ensure readiness. No special diet is required to prepare though taking good care of your body leading up to this kind of deep work is beneficial.

Medicine is shared in its raw, natural form.  The choice not to disguise it in chocolate or another form is intentional and guided by respect for the medicine and the process guests here undergo.  The more we can accept the truth of things and the less we need to hide from or distract ourselves from What Is the more capable we will be as a species to find our way back to being in right relationship with the Earth and all beings.

The Setting

West Glover, Vermont was chartered in 1783, though the Nulhegan Tribe, The Memphremagog Band, and the Northern Cowasuk Indians have lived here – N’DAKINNA (Our Land) – from time beyond memory.

Rootstock Retreat is an elemental healing sanctuary, rustic bathhouse and small creative refuge designed for healing, conscious connection, and transformation. This potent ceremony will take place within Rootstock’s Log Cabin or Tipi Temple, high on a hill in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.

About the Leader

Beana Bern

Beana is the visionary and life sculptor behind Rootstock Retreat and the space holder and hostess on the land here.  Rootstock is her home, her church, her family and her new paradigm business and she loves nothing more than sharing her heart and her home with her guests here.  You can learn more about here […]

Learn more about Beana Bern

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