Community Day - Project & Potluck

June 18, 2023

Date and Time Details: Please be settled by 10:30am to join the intros and orientation to Rootstock.

Address: 1429 Beach Hill Road, Barton, VT, USA

Suggested donation – $0.00 - $55.55

Community Day @ Rootstock

Meets the third Sunday of every month.   RSVP required to help us plan.

Community Day at Rootstock is a great way to come make some new friends, get some time on this beautiful hill, help Beana & the Rootstock Community with a project, and break bread together over a potluck meal.

This free or by donation gathering is here to help keep this imagination farm open and accessible to our beloved friends and community, outside the context of our more ceremonial gatherings, and to gather some helping hands and hearts around some of the projects we’re working on here.

These are small, intimate gatherings and they’re perfect for folks that are curious about Rootstock, folks who enjoy work service, folks who are looking for conscious, kind humans to commune with, or folks that have no reason at all.  It’s a warm, grounded, safe, and relaxed place to come ‘people.’

Times may shift depending on the day and folks should come prepared for some time outside and some time around a table.

  • Arrive by 10:00am
  • Introductions by 10:30am
  • Work Service from 10:30-12:30pm
  • Potluck Lunch & Conversation from 1:30pm-3:30pm

If you have to travel a ways to join us and want to book a bunk or Air Bnb for the night, that’s an option!  If you want to tack on a wood-fired hot tub after the circle to decompress and integrate the magic, that’s an option too!

You’re welcome to bring your children though, please note that Rootstock is a dog-free zone, so leave your fur babies at home please.

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