Community Day - The Stone Circle: Lughnasadh

With Eyal Amiel

August 4 - 5, 2024

Date and Time Details: Plan to arrive between 9:50-10am so we can introduce ourselves and orient to our project for the day.

Location: Rootstock Retreat

  • No Lodging Needed (Suggested donation of $35) – $0.00
  • Big House - Sunrise Suite (Dorm) – $50.00
  • Big House - Sunset Suite (Private) – $150.00
  • Oasis Cabin (Private) – $200.00
  • Big House - Couch Surf – $50.00
  • Campsites – $25.00

This month, join us for a special edition of Community Day facilitated by Eyal Amiel in honor of Lughnasadh. RSVP is requested. All are welcome!

Community Day is our day to come together and collaborate on a work project here at Rootstock. Many hands have built this amazing temple and many hands are needed to tend and steward it and, together, we’ll work on a project.

Lughnasadh is the traditional “first harvest” festival, celebrating the early bounty of our gardens, and the land, and the abundance of the growing season. We honor the Earth for her many gifts and offer deep gratitude for the richness of our lives and our relationship with the land. In this ceremony, the theme of gratitude will be central, through song, prayer, and celebration. We invite you to bring a small offering from your garden (or local land) to offer back to the Earth in gratitude, and a potluck dish, featuring home or locally -grown produce to share in community after the ceremony.

  • Plan to arrive between 9:50-10am so we can introduce ourselves and orient to our project for the day. Children are welcome and no skills or tools are necessary to participate! Folks of all ages and abilities

  • Offerings of tea, chocolate, or beeswax candles for the Community Cabin are welcome and appreciated but not required and any snacks or finger food that you want to enjoy or share. Please do not bring food that requires heating, cooking, or utensils.

  • Bring a water bottle and dress for the elements! Community Day happens rain or shine, snow or sleet. We recommend work gloves and some warm, dry layers if the temps are cold.

  • All people are welcome! Leave your doggies at home! The cats of Rootstock appreciate our dog-free campus so thank you for bringing your friends and your kids and leaving your four legged at home.

Rootstock’s Moon Circle for women happens the night before Community Day and, if you’re a woman and want to *join us for circle* and spend the night, that’s an option!

Our amazing wood-fired bathhouse, The Oasis, fires up on Sunday afternoons and, if you’d like to stay for a soak following our work together, you can *check here* for availability!

We’d love for you to arrive on time so that we can enjoy proper introductions and an orientation to the project we’ll be doing together but, life happens, and you’re welcome to show up for any part of this gathering.  

Donations made to the Rootstock Medicine Fund support the land and its steward as well as support access to the healing work that happens here. You will receive a confirmation email with details on when to arrive, where to park, and where to meet.

About the Leader

Eyal Amiel

Eyal is a poet, songwriter, biologist, teacher, seeker on the mystical path, and devotee of the natural world. The central expressions and ideals of his spirituality are the cultivation of peace, within and without, creative expression as acts of holy devotion, and honoring and working with the cycles of nature as primary teachers for inner […]

Learn more about Eyal Amiel

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